Toddler Program
Our Toddler program is designed to help the child’s transition from home to school. It assists the child in getting accustomed to a structured, stimulating environment of learning and play. It builds on his skill sets and works towards crafting play and learning that will enhance his growth.
Kids are sensitive and it is their first time going alone without their guardians, so it is our school staff’s responsibility to make them feel comfortable in our school environment. That is why, ABhayaS has well-trained staff under supervision who is trained to treat the kids in a wonderful manner and make them learn new things by doing or arranging some playful tricks.
Our school believes that guiding such a small kid who is not properly prepared to run, jump or to utter is a tough task. That is why, we plan to guide them with games and we know that extracurricular activities are at the heart of kids and if we start teaching them by using this trick, it will definitely lead to success.

A child’s first two years are critical for the development of the brain and for language development. During this period, the child’s life experience plays a fundamental role in the “hard-wiring” of the brain, laying the foundation for all intellectual and emotional development to follow.
From birth, children are busy, active learners, immediately investigating the sights, sounds, and feel of the world. They are sensori-motor beings and explore the world with their senses when developing motor skills. Long before they understand a concept like “under” or “far” with their minds, their bodies are learning to navigate the up and down, over and under of the physical world: their perceptions are sorting out sizes, colours, and shapes.
The teachers take the child through a journey of singing, dancing, play and body movements. The themes develop the child’s cognitive functions, grasping power, motor and social skills and build his confidence and self-esteem.
An exciting world where children can develop their independence, discover new objects and explore their powers to communicate.
We at ABhayaS provide the child with an environment that will jump-start the developmental process. Our Staff understands the frequent changes in moods, interests, and capabilities and provides calm, consistent care and supportive teaching.